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Low cost tips to value the property

No matter how comfortable, modern and beautiful your home is, when you put it on the market, you always need to make some changes to make it even more attractive in the eyes of the buyer and consequently guarantee the best possible deal.

Whether for sale or rent, given that the real estate market is extremely competitive, any changes that can be made to make a home more attractive are beneficial.

There are several points of the house that you can consider changing to enhance your property and subsequently increase the sales potential of the house.

Here are 6 low-cost tips for adding value to your property on sale:

  1. Clean and sanitize the house. Nothing puts off potential buyers more than bad smells, dust, and clutter. Don’t forget to throw away the rubbish;
  2. Remove odors, pet hair and toys;
  3. Do minor repairs like replacing broken light bulbs, switches and plugs, installing new shower curtains, polishing doorknobs and oiling doors and windows. These small changes will go a long way towards making the property look more modern and clean;
  4. Organize closets to create the illusion of more space;
  5. Rearrange furniture to create more space. This will make the divisions appear larger and facilitate the flow of people during the viewing;
  6. Remove personal items like family photos and other personal decorations. This makes the space less personalized and allows potential tenants and buyers to visualize their lives in this home.